Plumbing is an important aspect of house construction that many people take for granted. Most of the time, people wait for when an issue comes up before they do the right thing. Your houses plumbing is just like your body’s health – it is a lot cheaper and safer to deal with problems before they happen rather than after.
For that reason, just like you take care of your body, you should be taking care of your house – specifically, your plumbing.
Nobody is infallible. And that includes the plumber who previously set up your pipes. While you should always work with professional plumbers, in this article, we will cover 5 common mistakes that contractors can make.
1. Location and Cleanout Problem
Pipes need clearance. One of the most common mistakes from plumbers is that they simply pick the wrong locations to set things up. This choice inevitably leads to problems down the road because it will make the plumbing site unsuitable for cleanout.
Before servicing any line, they need to check the floor space for clearance. Doing so would dramatically improve plumbing quality.
2. Vents and Traps Mistake
Venting is essential for a well done plumbing job. Ensure that there is enough ventilation in any areas with plumbing lines according to your town’s laws. You should never carry out any basement work without the proper vents.
For effectiveness in plumbing, one has to consider both the traps and vents. The traps are what seals up plumbing fixture and save the building from gas explosion among others.
In addition to this, if the vent is absent, the trap may become useless and may not hold water.