Summer is almost here, and with it come higher temperatures, longer days, and more time spent at home. All of this can add up to increased energy bills and discomfort. A few smart adjustments can help keep your house cooler in the summer heat while enjoying all the fun activities that summer offers.
1. Change or Clean Your HVAC Filter
It is essential to change your HVAC filter regularly. You should check the filter monthly and replace it if it’s dirty, damaged, or the wrong size for your system. If you don’t change your filters regularly, dust particles can clog up the air conditioner’s fins and make it less efficient. In addition, if there’s too much dirt in the air ducts of your home’s heating system, this can lead to high energy bills and a higher risk of allergies or asthma attacks. If you need help with this task – or any other HVAC needs, kindly contact a Heating and cooling company near you.
2. Insulation
Heat loss occurs through the walls, roof, and floor. Insulation reduces this by keeping the warm air inside by reducing conduction, convection, and radiation. It’s also important to note that insulation reduces the amount of heat that enters a house from cold weather (through windows) and prevents any unwanted moisture from entering through these same openings during wet weather months.
3. Install Cool Roofs
Cool roofs are designed to reduce the temperature inside your home, which can help reduce energy consumption. They also help keep air conditioning costs down by keeping your house cooler. Cool roofs are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, especially if you install solar panels on them.
4. Install a Ductless Cooling System
This is a popular option for homeowners who want to enjoy the benefits of a central air conditioning system without the hassle of installing ductwork. Mitsubishi Electric ductless cooling systems are an excellent choice, and they come in various sizes to fit any home. Some advantages of installing a Mitsubishi ductless system include low noise levels and low energy costs.
5. Programmable Thermostat
You can program it to turn on and off at specific times, so it can help you save money by keeping the house cool when no one is home. You can set it to turn off when everyone goes to sleep at night and then back on again in the morning before anyone wakes up. If you’re going out during the day, have it turn on before or after you leave so that your home will be cooler when you get home from work (and vice versa).
6. Window Film for Heat Rejection
In addition to the above, window film can also help you reduce your energy costs. Window film is made of polyvinyl butyral or polyester, both highly heat-resistant materials. It works by reducing heat gain in the home by up to 50%. By installing window film in the hot summer months of the year, you will likely decrease utility bills.
Closing Thoughts
It’s good to know that your roof is in great shape and your home is efficiently cooled. The hotter months can bring a lot of challenges and disappointments, but if you take care of things now, you will be better equipped when the heat hits. If you live in an area where temperature changes are drastic, it would also be wise to prepare earlier.